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Types of products sold via e-commerce

The digital component of e-commerce allows sellers to offer a wide range of products, some of which wouldn’t be possible to sell in a physical location.

Physical goods

Items such as clothing, furniture, food, or supplies are tangible products that can be stored in a warehouse. Sellers display goods on their e-commerce website, where consumers can like, save, or purchase them. Upon purchase, the business ships the item to the customer.


E-commerce sites are also a popular way to sell services, like consultations, maintenance, tutoring, lessons, and more. Whether you want to learn to code a website or you’re looking for an experienced trainer to help fix your dog’s troublesome barking habit, there’s no shortage of assistance available online.

Digital products

Digital products—like online courses, software, podcasts, music, and e-books—are becoming increasingly popular on e-commerce sites as well. The rise of digital products has opened up a new way to learn skills on demand.

What should your e-commerce site do?

Website traffic

Your website traffic is a straightforward measurement of visitors to your site and the number of people who buy something while they’re there. Traffic often paints a clear picture of the effectiveness of your latest e-commerce marketing efforts.

Building your e-commerce business

Starting an e-commerce business takes research, planning, and passion. With the right tools, you can tap into the market of online shoppers seeking products from the comfort of their own homes.

Building your e-commerce business

Starting an e-commerce business takes research, planning, and passion. With the right tools, you can tap into the market of online shoppers seeking products from the comfort of their own homes.


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